Currahee Artist Guild
Located at The Studio -- 61 Doyle Street -- Historic Downtown Toccoa, GA 30577
shows & events ( information is updated as available)

Meet the Artist
Fri. March 1st 2024 / 6PM - 8PM
Sat. March 2nd 2024 / 10AM - 5PM
A fun event for artists and the public. Meet our Guild members, tour the gallery, view and purchase art.
Artists donate miniature creations which are raffled off to raise funds for the on-going operations of the Guild.
Open to current and renewing members of the Guild.
Artist Cost for Participation
$10 refreshment fee or bring a refreshment and you can list it on the application form.
The only requirement is that you be in attendance at least one of the days for the public to talk to you about your art. It’s also a great time to meet a lot of the guild members.
During this show, we fill the Studio up with all the participating artists art. We have plenty of room for prints, cards and other items, since we’ll use the upstairs areas too. We usually allow around 6 medium size paintings per artist, 3 if your paintings are large. We’ll have plenty of room for smaller paintings upstairs as well. The 3-D artists can usually bring around 10 - 20 pieces or more if it’s jewelry and the same thing applies if it’s larger art, then you’d bring less. We normally try to hang a few pieces of each artist art downstairs and use the fixed tables, window ledges and rails for 3-D. The rest of the art goes upstairs to encourage people to view the art in all the rooms.
We also have our great fundraiser, which is the miniature show. We ask our artists to donate small pieces of art for the drawing. (no larger than 8x10 framed pieces and smaller items for 3-D) This is not mandatory, but it's a nice way to support the guild. In the past, we have had up to 90 miniatures. The best part of this fundraiser is that we can purchase tickets, because it’s a luck of the draw. We all get real excited if we win. Tickets sell for $5 each or 6 for $25. You choose the items you want to try to win and we do a drawing for each individual piece at 4:00 Saturday afternoon. We can start taking miniatures as soon as you bring them to the Studio. You don’t have to be a participate in the show to donate an item.
To participate: Please download and fill out the form below and return by Feb 26th to gailwatson58@gmail.com
Please deliver art and miniatures to The Studio per the following schedule:
Wed. Feb 28th / 1 - 5:30
Thurs. Feb 29th / 1 - 5:30
Fri. March 1st / 1 - 4:30
Please also download our publicity folder to share with friends and family to promote the event. ​

Spring Judged Show &
Toast of Toccoa
Saturday Noon- 6PM
May 4, 2024
Spring Juried Show / at The Studio
- Open to Guild and non-Guild members.
- Cleo Alexander Award Floral Competition open to all medium
$20 for members / $35 for non-members
Cash prizes. Download Entry Form for rules and other details.
Deadline to enter: April 29, 2024. Entries received after deadline will be returned.
Saturday May 4th - Toast of Toccoa / Doyle St., Toccoa / !2 pm - 6pm
FREE booths space at the Toast of Toccoa. Juried upscale event. Rain or Shine.
There are a total of 35 booth slots available. The show is open to guild and non-Guild members: Individual artists, artists wishing to share booth space and Artists’ Guilds who may sell the work of their members.
All work must be original and handcrafted by the artist. All pieces should be of excellent quality and design. Prints are acceptable if from artist’s original work.
Each artist or Artists’ Guild must submit the application form along with 3 photos representative of work that will be sold. (If you were juried into the show last year, you don’t have to submit photos.)
The deadline to apply is: APRIL 22, 2024
Notification of acceptance to participate in the juried event will be sent out on: APRIL 25, 2024
Please download application form below and for more important information.
More Information about the Toast of Toccoa
Non- Guild participants are to provide their own tents and booth set up. All tents should have sufficient weights in case of high winds.
The Guild will provide tents and panels to Guild members on a shared basis. Member is to provide booth set-up and chairs
Access to power is available if needed on a limited basis.
Art demonstrations are encouraged
Set up begins at 10AM / Take down begins at 6 PM.
The event runs from Noon – 6pm. Participants are to have the booth open during those times
The event will take place outdoors -- RAIN or SHINE

2023 CAG Spring
Student Judged Competition
Saturday, 11AM - 5PM
April 29th, 2023
There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize awards and ribbons given in each category. The categories are as follows:
Grades K-2nd; 3rd-5th; 6th-8th; and 9th-12th
To enter, please download the entry form and mail in by April 24th - 2023

2023 Fall Juried Show
& Fall Harvest Festival
Show Hours:
Saturday Oct. 28, 2023 / 10 AM - 5 PM
Sunday Oct 29, 2023 / 10 AM - 4 PM
Fall Juried Show at The Studio - Open to Guild and non-Guild members. Three pieces are to be judged in any medium.
$10 booth space is available (shared with another artist if you do not have your own canopy) to sell artwork on the street during the Fall Harvest Festival.
Best in Show - $200
Exhibitors Choice Award - $75
Viewer's Choice Award - $75
Each category with four or more entrants:
1st Place- $150 / 2nd Place-$125 / 3rd Place-$100 / 4th Place - $75
5th Place - $50
Honorable mention in 2D, photography and 3D - $25 each (total of 9)
honorable mention-ribbon
Guild Members: $20
Non-Guild members: $35 per category
Deadline to register and submit payment: October 22, 2023
The art show will be held at The Studio on the mall in downtown Toccoa. Each artist will be provided one 3x6 display panel (approximate size) per category entered. Additional panels may be available for outside sales depending on number of entrants. Artist may exhibit additional work for sale or display outside but only 3 pieces will be eligible for inside judging.
Artists deliver work for judged show:
Wednesday Oct 25th or Thursday Oct 26th
Note: Any exceptions call 706-886-6138 or email Gail Watson at gailwatson58@yahoo.com to make arrangements. You may hang your outside work by 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. Take down may begin after the awards ceremony on Sunday.
Click here for competition rules and info
For complete details and to sign - up for the Fall juried Show and Harvest Festival, please click on the box below when available.

Toccoa Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert &
Currahee Artists' Guild
Art Show & Sale
Sunday, Dec. 3rd 2023
The Toccoa Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert and Art Show is open to all CAG members who are interested in participating. The concert typically attracts around 1000 people making this a wonderful opportunity to show and sell your art work just in time for the holiday season. Participating artists are welcome to stay and enjoy the concert featuring uplifting Christmas music (no ticket needed).
Here are the details:
Art Show Time: 2 - 4PM (concert starts at 4PM)
Where: Grace Alford Performing Arts Center on the campus of Toccoa Falls College
Set up time: Saturday, December 2nd - 1:00 PM / Sunday December 3rd - Noon
- In the past we have found that smaller "gifty" type items sell the best... note cards, jewelry, small prints, pottery etc..
- Bring your own tables, tablecloths, panels or other set up accessories. And standing lamp of other forms of lighting helpful
-- You may leave your set-up during the concert. In the past we have found that some people continue to buy items after the concert.
- This show is commission free. Artists keep all of the proceeds of the sale.
Here's how to participate:
Email or call: Sharon Mahon sharonmahon22@gmail.com / 706-716-1037) by November 24, 2023
If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Mahon per the above. Merry Christmas to all and to all have a great show!
Competition Rules and Information For Shows (Spring and Fall Juried Shows)
This event is open to artists' original works of art completed within the past three years. Art must be matted or framed with wire and ready to hang. Art that has received a cash award previously in any Currahee Artists' Guild festival is not eligible for judging. You may enter as many categories as you wish, but no more than three pieces per category will be eligible for judging. (This includes sets)
Rules and Regulations for Judged Shows
Entry deadline must be met by the date specifies on the entry form. This includes all paperwork and fees. Entry fees are non-refundable.
Any work hanging in the Studio prior to the show must be taken down and stored by the artist. (Space will be available in the Studio back room)
Works not meeting the requirements will not be accepted.
A. All art must be original and not in violation of any
copyright laws.
B. Framed work must be ready for hanging (wire only)
C. Matted pieces must have a SECURE hanger.
D. Artist to fill out identity cards for each piece.
Upon occasion a category is not filled, thereby removing it from the judging. You have the option of exhibiting without being judged. Since there are additional awards e.g. "Best in Show," the Beth Zoffmann, Exhibitors Choice, and others you still have a chance for one of those awards.
As a courtesy to fellow artists and viewers, all art work is to REMAIN hanging until after the awards. Early removal will result in disqualification for the next show. The only exception is if the art work has sold.
There is no commission fee for work sold during the show.
The Studio provides us a gallery space as a member of the Guild the rest of the year and has a low commission of 20%.
Guidelines and Information for Outside Show and Guild Activities
Guild will provide space, two panels and a shared canopy.
There is no booth charge. You must supply your own tables and chairs.
You are responsible for setup and take down.
Outside sites MUST be prearranged. There will be no last minute acceptance.
Volunteer for:
Help prep the Studio for the show. (Sweep, change, lights etc)
Work the desk for one hour to hand out ballets for
Viewers Choice, Exhibitors Choice
Direct or answer questions of viewers.